Friday, December 14, 2012

So tired...

Today started at 3 am with a little face in mine asking me if it was time to leave to go have surgery.

Zoe had a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and tubes placed in her ears today.  "The Works" as the doctor called it.  I was a wreck.  Zoe, on the other hand, acted like she was going to Disneyland.  I guess in my efforts to try to not pass on my White Coat Syndrome to my kids, I've created three little monsters who L-O-V-E to go to the doctor.  They actually get jealous when one sister gets to go and they don't. 

The surgery went very well.  And fast.  Between the time we waited to go back into Pre-Op and the time she was in surgery, I only managed to get 1 1/2 rows done on my ripple blanket.  And I wasn't the only hooker in the waiting room.  The lady was fascinated by the pattern of the ripple.  She had only done basic ripples before and was intrigued by the V-stitch ripple.  But anyway...

The doctor said Zoe's adenoids blocked 75% of her airway... and I know her tonsils were almost touching.  This is without her being sick, mind you.  I'm looking forward to quieter nights around here.  She sawed logs like a lumberjack.  He also said we should notice her hearing improving right away, too.  She definitely sounds different without all that junk stuffing up her throat and nose...

We only had to stay in recovery about half an hour.  Zoe did very well, so we were turned loose early.  And she's done pretty well all day.  Much better than I anticipated.  I thought she'd sleep the day away and I'd have to fight her to eat and drink.  But she has been asking for food all day and has gotten mad at me more than once for denying her things like pretzels and pizza.  And she wouldn't sleep.  Even when I gave her the prescription pain meds.  She was so tired, though.  I was practically begging her to just close her eyes because she had finally started getting really whiny and I'm exhausted so I'm having to be very careful not to get snippy.  I had to put her sisters to bed, so I stood her up off of my lap and she literally crumpled to the floor and was out like a light.  I thought surely she was just being dramatic, but no - she was out cold.  One second  awake, the next out.  I really feel like I could do the same right about now, to be honest.  I NEED to work on the girls' Christmas presents and wrap up some presents, but I'm so tired.  I already dozed off crocheting once today, so I'm pretty sure I won't make it 2 rows on the tiger's leg before I do it again.

1 comment:

  1. I had that exact same surgery when I was 10 for the same reasons too. I hope Zoe's feeling better and you guys got some rest! Hopefully she's still doing as well as she did the first day. Also, I hate being so tired I fall asleep while I'm crocheting, it feels like dreaming about it but you can't really get anywhere with it. Good luck with your presents!



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